History of Germany’s Paragraph 175
Germany’s shame: Paragraph 175 and homosexuality
James Waller looks at how both Nazis and Allies persecuted gay men.
Nazi Germany and the Holocaust
Is a little known secret that in the early days of Hitler’s rise to power he used homosexuals to make social and political contacts to serve his purposes.
Homosexuals in Concentration Camps
Homosexuals in these camps were almost always assigned to the worst and often most dangerous work.
Homosexuals Targeted
It is astonishing to realize that a vivid gay culture and an active movement had disappeared within a month after the Nazis took power.
Arrested, deported, and killed
Prisoners marked by pink triangles to signify homosexuality were treated harshly in the camps. According to many survivor accounts, homosexuals were among the most abused groups in the camps.
The Gay Holocaust - After the War
Continuing Problems for homosexual Victims.
Gay Holocaust Statistics and Death Tolls
Detailed number of convictions per year.
History Repeats Itself
If tolerance for difference is one of the lessons humanity is supposed to have learned from the Nazi era, the contemporary treatment of homosexuals around the world demonstrates that the lesson has not yet been learned.
Countries where being gay is illegal
Take a closer look at the countries where homosexuality is illegal and even punishable by death.