Lorn Films and 175 The Movie, are proud to announce, Yael Deynes writer of 175 The Movie, will be the guest of honor
of Holocaust survivor Elane Geller at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles CA on July 17th, 2016 at 3 pm where she will be speaking. After their meeting a month ago,
she was shocked to learn the faith of many homosexuals during and after WW2. While interviewing her, Elane remembered seeing prisoners with the upside down pink triangle while
in the concentration camp, but she had no idea what that meant until Yael presented this information to her. This moment made a special connection between them two. Elane was
so touched by Yael’s passion for these victims, and his journey to make their stories known that she wanted to do more. Just like she is able to talk about her journey, and teach
people about our not so distance past, she felt Yael had become the voice of these victims and just like her they need to be heard, so the world won’t forget.
We hope to see you there, and learn more about all of these incredible people that against all adds survive, so the world could hear the truth that so many try to forget. They are
not many Survivors left of this part of our dark history, and just like Elane they are keeping their memories alive so we never forget.